Request an Individual (360 Degree Feedback) Test Now
The price of the 360 Degree Feedback test is (1315 AED) per person. If you would like to take the test, click the button below to register and pay, and then we will contact you and send the test link to your email.
Request a Group (360 Degree Feedback) Test Now

The idea is that they receive as well-rounded view as possible of their strengths and weaknesses from a range of stakeholders.
The Thomas 360 Bespoke system enables your employees to gather performance feedback from their colleagues quickly and compare this feedback with their own perception of their performance.
- It is a competency feedback questionnaire.
- Filled by Managers, Team Members & Candidates themselves.
- It Shows how candidates are actually behave
- Random & Web Based Questionnaire
The 360 Elite system concept was developed by Sarah Hamilton-Gill over 15 years prior to this as a means to manage complex projects and cohorts.
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The Thomas 360 Bespoke allows you to choose the areas required for your business, either by selecting from the eight questionnaire templates or selecting from the bank of 31 competencies.